My name is Reaver, James Reaver.

Hello there, welcome to my website! My name is James Reaver, just like the character of the Fable video game series. I am a British-Italian software engineer with a passion for customer-focussed services.

After finishing school, I moved from Cardiff to London, where I studied for a Master of Engineering in Computer Science at Imperial College. Dreaming of working for the British Government, my career kicked off as a full-stack developer at the Prime Minister’s Office. There, I found out that I wanted to dive deeper into the field of software engineering, and so, I moved to Amazon and finally to JP.Morgan.

While I am quite fond of writing code and discussing software architecture at work, I also like to let my imagination free and write fictional stories. Three years ago, I began putting together a narrative for a theatre play, which I am currently in the process of completing. Aside from that, I also really enjoy recording audiobooks and radio shows, where I broadcast the latest hits of the music charts.

I keep this site up to date as often as I can. A lot is still missing, and a lot more is yet to come. Do not hesitate to drop me a message if you want to know more about what’s coming.