On language, technology, and software engineering.

From time to time, I write down some personal reflections or interesting findings of mine, especially if I believe other folks might find it helpful to read about them too.

One Year of Mood-Tracking

What you can learn about yourself in five daily seconds by keeping a record of how you feel over the course of a year. A friend once said to me: You know what’s unique about you? You’re so interested in how things change over time. How the small, almost undetectable, variations add up to something

‘The Hero of Mistpeak’ is Born

An interview with author James H. Reaver about the new play on one of the most beloved video game series of all time. Hello James! How are you doing today?Hey there! Great it’s a pleasure to be here. Thank you for wanting to answer a few questions about your newly released work. Before we get into

The Beauty of a Play

Why should anyone read a theatre play? Why might anyone write it in the first place? And what do plays have that novels do not? Often I get asked why I decided to become a playwright rather than a novelist. Truth be told, I began my writing journey as an author of prose. Later on, however, I starte

The end-of-year State of Play

Quite literally, where are we at with this “play”? As the year draws to a close, I want to explore what has been and what will be. It’s been a while since I wrote an update on Medium. This is because I’ve been writing and coding and writing and coding on all sorts of other means. But all this work

The most difficult English poem

The Chaos — English’s most gruelling verses read by me. I have always been incredibly fascinated by phonetics and pronunciation. A few years ago I set myself to learn all the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) sounds for the English language, and in doing so, I stumbled across a poem by the Dutc

The five things I want to be.

This is the first article I write about a personal topic such as my long term goals —and I mean long— term. It’s very much a “Dear Diary,” kind of post. I have the intention to sketch a simple outline of my mindset and my objectives the way they stand in my early twenties. I’ve been known for alway

Can you control your social media?

Occasionally bursting the social media bubble surrounding us may do wonders for our determination and our quest for real connections, as well as nudging us towards the choice of memories over ‘stories’. Earlier this year, the ups and downs of life made me think about my use of social media. Social